Archive | May, 2020

Subscribe to the My Teacher Podcast

10 May


My Teacher Podcast pilot season drops on May 24.

I’m pleased to announce the launch of the My Teacher Podcast: A Celebration of the People Who Shape Our Lives.

Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel wrote, “What we need more than anything else is not textbooks but textpeople. It is the personality of the teacher which is the text that the pupils read; the text that they will never forget.” The “My Teacher” Podcast is a quest for “textpeople.” The podcast will be a forum for leaders in different sectors to reflect on the teachers who shaped and influenced them—who, in the words of Fred Rogers, “loved them into being.” In a challenging time that requires leadership, who do leaders in our community turn to for inspiration and guidance? Tune in to the My Teacher Podcast to find out.

Download the trailer now and subscribe today. Pilot season drops on iTunes, Spotify and other distribution channels on May 24.